Canada Pension Plan, Shift Statement Shift Action Canada Pension Plan, Shift Statement Shift Action

CPPIB pours $1.2 billion into 16,000-km U.S. pipeline network

In a risky bet on climate failure, the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board (CPPIB) has just announced its fifth investment in private fossil fuel assets this year. The CPPIB is investing $1.2 billion in Denver-based Tallgrass Energy, which operates over 16,000 kilometres of oil and gas pipelines across 14 states.

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Statement on CPPIB-Owned Civitas Resources' $6.2 Billion Oil Acquisition

A company privately owned by the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board (CPPIB) announced this morning that it’s spending CA$6.2 billion to increase its oil production by 60%. Ongoing, reckless investment in fossil fuel expansion by Civitas Resources (Civitas) makes a mockery of the CPPIB’s net-zero emissions commitment and gambles the retirement savings of millions of Canadians on climate failure. 

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Shift Statement, Canada Pension Plan Shift Action Shift Statement, Canada Pension Plan Shift Action

Statement from Shift on CPP's Net-zero by 2050 Commitment

CPP Investments (CPP) has taken an important step today in recognizing that the long-term success of our national retirement fund is directly linked to addressing the climate crisis. While Shift is relieved to see the CPP finally catch up with its peers in making this essential net-zero commitment, the fund does not yet have a credible plan for achieving it and decarbonizing its significant fossil fuel assets.

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