Canada Pension Plan, Shift Statement Shift Action Canada Pension Plan, Shift Statement Shift Action

CPPIB pours $1.2 billion into 16,000-km U.S. pipeline network

In a risky bet on climate failure, the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board (CPPIB) has just announced its fifth investment in private fossil fuel assets this year. The CPPIB is investing $1.2 billion in Denver-based Tallgrass Energy, which operates over 16,000 kilometres of oil and gas pipelines across 14 states.

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CPP Investments, Shift Statement Shift Action CPP Investments, Shift Statement Shift Action

Statement on CPPIB-owned Wolf Midstream’s NGL North Phase Two project to expand fossil fuel production

With yet another investment in fossil fuel expansion, our national pension manager continues to bet on climate failure and puts Canadians’ retirement security at risk. CPPIB cannot continue to pretend it is committed to achieving its net-zero obligations while allocating billions of dollars of Canadians’ savings into the causes of the worsening climate crisis.

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Shift Statement, UPP Shift Action Shift Statement, UPP Shift Action

Statement on the University Pension Plan’s Climate Transition Investment Framework

With its Climate Transition Investment Framework, UPP continues to ignore the scientific imperative to phase out fossil fuels. Ongoing failure to name the primary cause of the climate crisis and clearly signal to markets the need for a phase-out of fossil fuels will undermine the important climate leadership UPP is otherwise demonstrating in Canada’s financial sector.

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Statement on the release of Climate Engagement Canada’s Net-Zero Benchmark Company Assessments

Climate Engagement Canada’s (CEC) first Net-Zero Benchmark company assessments reveal how off-course Canada’s top carbon emitters are in aligning with climate safety and respect for Indigenous rights. With this valuable data in hand, CEC investors must double down to engage companies forcefully and with escalation. At the same time, investors should not waste their time trying to engage the oil and gas sector, which has no profitable or credible pathway to net-zero other than phasing out production.

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Statement on CPPIB-Owned Civitas Resources' $6.2 Billion Oil Acquisition

A company privately owned by the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board (CPPIB) announced this morning that it’s spending CA$6.2 billion to increase its oil production by 60%. Ongoing, reckless investment in fossil fuel expansion by Civitas Resources (Civitas) makes a mockery of the CPPIB’s net-zero emissions commitment and gambles the retirement savings of millions of Canadians on climate failure. 

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IMCO, Shift Statement Shift Action IMCO, Shift Statement Shift Action

Statement on IMCO’s new Climate Action Plan and commitment to phase out investment in new fossil fuels

Today, the Investment Management Corporation of Ontario (IMCO) took a big step towards a credible plan that can put it on track to meet its “net-zero by 2050 or earlier” commitment. IMCO’s new Climate Action Plan underscores growing acknowledgement from Canadian pension managers that investments in fossil fuels must be phased out to protect the global climate and beneficiaries’ retirement security.

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Shift Statement, OPTrust Shift Action Shift Statement, OPTrust Shift Action

Statement on OPTrust’s Climate Change Strategy and 2050 Net-Zero Commitment

Shift welcomes OPTrust’s commitment to net-zero emissions by 2050 and the pension fund’s recognition of the urgency of the climate crisis, which OPTrust calls “an immediate threat to [its] portfolio that it cannot afford to ignore.” However, OPTrust’s Climate Change Strategy continues to fall well short of a credible climate plan, lacking core elements such as interim targets to reduce emissions and clear goals and expectations for climate engagement of owned companies.

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OTPP, Shift Statement Shift Action OTPP, Shift Statement Shift Action

Statement on OTPP's 2022 Responsible Investing and Climate Strategy Report

The OTPP continues to demonstrate national leadership in aligning the retirement savings of its members with a safe climate future. But despite its increasingly sophisticated strategy to manage climate-related financial risks, the OTPP is silent on how its massive oil, gas, pipeline and and related infrastructure investments have a credible, science-based pathway pathway to decarbonization.

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UPP, Shift Statement Shift Action UPP, Shift Statement Shift Action

Statement on the UPP’s Net-Zero by 2040 Emissions Commitment and Coal Exclusion Policy

The University Pension Plan’s (UPP) newly released Climate Action Plan, including its net-zero emissions by 2040 commitment, has unequivocally established the fund as a climate leader in Canada’s pension sector. It’s clear that the UPP is listening to, learning and acting on the concerns of its members, including those who are experts in climate science, sustainable finance and climate and energy policy.

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Statement on Climate Engagement Canada's Focus List

Shift welcomes the release of the Climate Engagement Canada Focus List. Company engagement is an essential part of any credible finance institution’s zero-emissions transition strategy. There are however, some important caveats to engagement which must be considered, especially when it comes to oil and gas companies.

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OTPP, Shift Statement Shift Action OTPP, Shift Statement Shift Action

Statement from Shift Action for Pension Wealth and Planet Health on the Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan’s 2021 Annual Report

The OTPP reduced portfolio emissions intensity by 32% and absolute emissions by 13% between 2019 and 2021. But the $242 billion pension fund continues to have significant problems with transparency and credibility when it comes to reconciling its climate commitments with its investments in high-risk fossil fuels.

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Shift Statement, Canada Pension Plan Shift Action Shift Statement, Canada Pension Plan Shift Action

Statement from Shift on CPP's Net-zero by 2050 Commitment

CPP Investments (CPP) has taken an important step today in recognizing that the long-term success of our national retirement fund is directly linked to addressing the climate crisis. While Shift is relieved to see the CPP finally catch up with its peers in making this essential net-zero commitment, the fund does not yet have a credible plan for achieving it and decarbonizing its significant fossil fuel assets.

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